Wow...what an amazing experience .... serving the Lord on a Mission. It has been extremely enlightening to listen to Elder Rob talk about the family they are teaching, that they are a partial member family, that they love to have the missionaries in their home (hmmm I wonder if they know the feeling the missionaries bring is from the Lord?) that in their eyes they know what they need to do....but, they are just not ready to commit to even attending the members need to start to fellowship this family...they need to feel the strength and support of the members in their important it is for all of us to help out the missionaries....they can't always do it by takes love and support from all to help these families know and commit to changing their life styles and living the gospel in its fullest. You know, for us, we are used to the routine...VT and Home teaching,teaching lessons, attending 3 hours of meetings every Sunday instead of working in the yard, camping, shopping etc...paying one 10th of the hard earned money that we make to the Church....well, to the us it is something we do, to new members, it is a sacrifice of huge proportions ... Faith....practiced even min by min .... changing habits that might be a struggle like smoking, drinking etc...this sometimes is a hard thing because it is something they have never thought of as "bad" or "harmful" .... following local church leaders....listening and doing those things that will help us find Joy in the Gospel in our daily lives....Wow! So much! These young men teach these families, but we as members need to fellowship, love, be examples to and help new members love the gospel and the Lord...Elder Rob has noticed the importance members are, and he is a little disappointed in their examples so far...many get involved in their own daily lives and forget other responsibilities. We all need to be missionaries...bottom line.
Elder Rob says it's beautiful in Hermiston....spring like weather. He does love the people...the wards. He is loving his mission. He still gets a bit homesick, but knows he is doing what the Lord wants of him and he will be blessed for it.
And the mission goes on....prayers are always appreciated for these young men..and the people in their missions, that their hearts will be softened and prepared for His teachings brought to them by selfless, hard working young men who give their lives to the Lord for 2 years as teachers of the Gospel. I'm excited for the growth I am seeing in Elder Rob, in his Testimony and maturity...
D&C 16:3-6
3 And I will tell you that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone—
4 For many times you have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto you.
5 Behold, blessed are you for this thing, and for speaking my words which I have given unto you according to my commandments.
6 And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen.