Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh his aching feet....OUCH!!!!

Wow! Elder Rob has not only gone through 2 pair of shoes in 10 months, but he has been hard on his feet too!! He has inherrited his dad's toes which are prone to hangnails....well, he got a pretty bad hangnail and last month the doctor decided to remove it!!! He said it was the most painful thing he has ever endured, and he only took off one day to recover...back to walking and riding bikes to those investigators..."the work must go on" and he didn't want to lay last week, a month later, he had to return to the doctor since his toe is continuing to bleed. We, of course haven't heard from him yet, but hopefully the doctor was able to correct the problem....feet are so ugly but very important to get us around and especially a missionary! LOL...he better take good care of these feet.

Elder Rob is doing really good as a trainer and he and his companion continue to have great experiences together. Last week Elder Day had the great experience of using his Priesthood and gave his first Blessing. He felt those feelings that come from the Lord while speaking His was amazing for him. Elder Rob has also had those same feelings and talked with Elder Day about them...he said he will never understand why a Priesthood holder who has had those experiences and felt the spirit while using his Priesthood would fall away from the is unimagionable to him. Amazing to think our 'boys' are now 'men' and using those keys that have been given them to teach and bless others...This Gospel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is so True and such a fulfilling Faith. If we let ourselves grow and be strengthened by His spirit we feel such a power of Love and Accomplishment in His plan. Daily growth is such a rewarding feeling. It is such a blessing to have our son on his hear his successes, his preceived failures and the strength and growth he goes through every day. Almost a year now....amazing to see his growth and Love for the Lord.

This is a message that came from his Mission President....

Elder Schroeder, Thank you for your letter. I had to chuckle when I read about getting mad at times when speaking with non-members who misstate the scriptures or are disagreeable. It reminds me of myself when I was on my younger mission. One time my junior companion (after a difficult tracting experience) simply quoted the verses from 3 Nephi---"the spirit of contention is not of me." The quoted verse completed changed my approach. I simply refused to be contentious. Maybe it will help you. Anyway, we sure love you. Keep up the good work. President.

Such a sweet good reminder to a young Elder who is lost in his mission and wanting all to hear and understand. I had to chuckle myself when I read this from Elder Rob's mission President...such a good reminder to all of us...patience is key in everything we do....It is good to see our son keeping up the good work spreading the word of God to all who will hear....hopefully he will continue to wear out his shoes and not his feet LOL.....the life of our Missionary....

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