This is the other Elder Schroeder Rob met at the MTC...I believe he came from Vernal Utah. They are both in the Washington Kennewick mission and that is why we have to make sure when we mail Elder Rob something, we use his entire name.....he said there is a crochetty old lady in the mission home who gets upset if we don't put the complete names on the mail....hahahahahaha....notice the green tie Rob is wearing....that signifies him being a "greenie" he also had to eat green eggs and green pancakes...LOL...
This is another missionary I think Elder Rob knew at the's been fun looking at Rob's pictures.......
....I will try to catch up with some of the things Rob is doing in Hermiston Oregon. Elder Rob's cold is gone (YAY!!) wise Elder Rob is doing really well...He said he took a "sick day" as they call it and had some time to rest up, then it was off to teach the gospel to those good people of Hermiston. My Aunt recently passed away (actually my only aunt) As Elder Rob put it, we all know where she is and of course we also know she is happy and healthy again, with those family she loves and missed, but I'm sure she is missing uncle Leon terribly right now..our knowledge of the plan of Savation is a great comfort at times like these. Elder Rob is concerned about Uncle Leon and how he is doing, but knows he will be just fine. When the kids were younger we would go to Eva Jane and Leon's house for a family Christmas/Santa party...this left some fond memories for my kids and will always stay in their hearts as one of those memorable times growing up.
Well, on to Elder Rob's mission experience...he and his companion were scheduled to baptize a man names Rick, at the last minute Rick backed out...he had some questions about the doctrine. The Zone Leaders, Elder Rob and his companion talked to Rick and they again schedule another date..that of March 19th. He said that there is another possible baptism that day and they are really praying and excited for both. They also are teaching a young lady named Kaylee...Rob was able to give her the BofM from Kati, she put her picture and testimony in the book so it was a little more special....Rob said that Kaylee really liked getting the book. Everybody thinks they are getting close to being transferred...Elder Rob actually has not been transferred yet...hopefully it will wait until after the baptims since they are invested with these people and their making the choice to be baptized...but, like he said if it happens there is nothing they can do about that...just part of the process of serving a mission and it does happen.
Quote from Elder Rob: "No, shocker.....he fell off date. Not gonna lie it was the saddest feeling of my mission so far, And I did what the other missionary’s do. Beat themselves up about his choice. But we took our Zone Leader over there and he put him back on track. He had some DEEP Doctrine and some Basic Doctrine issues So no worry’s he's back on date for the 19th" Elder Rob and his companion are teaching another girl named Tiffany who is also on track to be baptized on the 19th.....all in the day of a missionary.
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